Diablo 4 Not Enough Animus Bug Glitch How to Fix

Diablo 4 Not Enough Animus Bug Fix: How to Fill Broken Animus Bar in Dungeons

An irritating Diablo 4 not enough animus bug is frustrating players trying to complete dungeons in the game. In several dungeons, especially Oldstones, Broken Bulwalk, and Lost Keep, there is an objective where the player has to fill a bar by collecting animus from enemies. But even after killing every last monster, there are times when the bar doesn’t fill all the way and stalls at 90% or 95%. Some users report trying to repeat the dungeon over again to fix this glitch, but that unfortunately doesn’t help solve the problem. Luckily, there is something you can do to fix the bug of not being able to collect enough animus.

How to fix Diablo 4 not enough animus bug

To fix the problem of not getting enough animus in a Diablo 4 dungeon, you need to make sure that the objective of grabbing animus is updated before killing an enemy.

For the Oldstones dungeon in particular, the animus objective doesn’t appear until a few seconds after you enter the room. And within that time, it’s possible that you kill a spider or what the game calls an “animus carrier” accidentally, leading to you being unable to complete the objective later down the road. The worst part is that you won’t know whether there’s a problem with completing the goal until you have gone around the dungeon killing every remaining foe.

Multiple users on the official Blizzard forums have reported encountering this animus-related bug in various dungeons across Sanctuary. Unfortunately, Blizzard has not yet made an official response to the thread for this bug.

We hope that Blizzard is able to fix this bug soon, either by moving any animus carrier further away from the entrance of a room or by making the objective refresh much sooner. That said, the developer has many severe bugs that it still needs to fix with a patch or hotfix, so this particular issue might be low priority at this point.

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