Lords of the Fallen Orian Preacher or Pyric Cultist Radiant or Inferno Magic

Lords of the Fallen Orian Preacher or Pyric Cultist: Should I Use Radiant or Inferno Magic?

Choosing between the Orian Preacher or the Pyric Cultist as your starting Lords of the Fallen class is a tough decision. The one you pick will send you down the road of using either Radiant or Inferno and Umbral magic, which will affect your entire playthrough.

Should I use Radiant or Inferno magic in Lords of the Fallen?

The big decision when choosing a starting class in Lords of the Fallen is really whether you want to use magic or not. Of the nine starting classes, only two begin the game with the stats and gear needed to use Radiant or Inferno/Umbral magic, the Orian Preacher and the Pyric Cultist.

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Unfortunately, the ammo system in Lords of the Fallen means using a bow as a primary weapon is pretty much impossible. So, if you want to fight at range, you have to go with a magic user. Of the two magical classes available at the beginning of the game, the Orian Preacher is the easiest to start with. They start with a very decent ranged attack, a powerful hammer, and a shield you can use to parry enemy attacks when the need arises. Additionally, you can purchase additional Radiant spells after beating the first boss and unlocking the hub area.

On the flip side, the Pyric Cultist has worse starting equipment but will eventually gain access to a wider array of magic than the Orian Preacher. Both Inferno and Umbral magic have Inferno stat requirements, so you’ll get to use two flavors of spells compared to the Preacher’s one.

Additionally, it’s tougher, but you can also decide to have a melee/spellcaster blend. Any starting class can use a catalyst after you level Radiance or Inferno a few times. The only catch to this is that you can only purchase spells or a catalyst once you reach the hub area, which means you’ll be stuck using melee combat for the first few hours of the game.

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