Lords of the Fallen Unlock Dark Crusader Without Pre-Order DLC

Lords of the Fallen: Unlock Dark Crusader Secret Class Without Pre-Ordering or Buying DLC

There are two things you can do to unlock the Dark Crusader secret class in Lords of the Fallen. Those who pre-ordered the game or purchased the Deluxe Edition DLC will be able to access this class from the start. However, you can also unlock the Dark Crusader without paying by completing a quest.

How to unlock the Dark Crusader secret class in Lords of the Fallen without pre-ordering or buying it separately

To unlock the Dark Crusader secret class in Lords of the Fallen without pre-ordering or buying it, you must complete the following steps:

  • Find the Flayed Skin near the beginning of the Abandoned Redcopse.
  • Find the four Stigmas telling Issac’s story as a lampbearer. These can be found in these four locations:
    • Lower Calrath
    • Start of the Fief of the Chill Curse
    • After the Lightreaper in Fief of the Chill Curse
    • Path of Devotion.
  • Fight Umbral Issac and obtain the Umbral-Tinged Flayed Skin
  • Find the final Stigma in Upper Calrath, showing the confrontation between the Lightreaper and Issac.
  • Return to where you found the Flayed Skin in the Abandoned Redcopse
  • Open the Umbral Doors using the Umbral-Tinged Flayed Skin.
  • Collect the Paladin Armor Set, Paladin Issac’s Sword, and Paladin Issac’s Rosary.
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Once you complete the above tasks, you’ll be able to select the Dark Crusader as a starting class.

As stated above, you can just buy the Dark Crusader secret class, either as a standalone DLC or as part of the Deluxe Edition. However, we highly recommend you unlock it by completing Paladin Issac’s questline. The gear you start with when playing as a Dark Crusader is Issac’s, and it’s better to learn the story behind it before donning it. Also, it’s just not worth paying $7 for it separately. It’s basically a stronger Hallowed Knight with cooler armor.

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