Spiderman 2: How to Change Time to Night or Day

Spiderman 2: How to Change Time to Night or Day

Knowing how to change time the of day in Spiderman 2 would give players more control over the city they are swinging (or gliding) around in. The last few games let users change how New York City looked, after all. So can you change time to night or day in Spiderman 2?

Can you change time of day in Spiderman 2?

You can’t currently change the time of day in Spiderman 2. Players are locked to what Insomniac Games has programmed in, which often changes with the mission to reflect the mood or tone. This means that Spiderman 2 is going to always be sunny after completing all of the main missions. Insomniac has not commented on whether or not it will be adding such functionality in the future. It has, however, responded to a tweet asking for such changes.

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However, it seems possible the team will let players change the time of day in a future patch, as it is not only a highly requested feature, but also one that has been in the developer’s other two Spiderman games. The 2018 game let users tweak the time of day in Harry Osborn’s labs around the city, while Spiderman: Miles Morales gave users full control over the weather as well as the time of day. Given this precedent, it seems like a feature that could possible come in a later patch.

Spiderman 2: How to Change Time to Night or Day

There is a roundabout way for players to slightly change the time of day in the game, but it only pertains to Photo Mode. Launch Photo Mode and then press Square to get the the Lighting Mode portion. Go to Natural Light and make sure Customize is on.

From there, you can change the position of the sun, its intensity, elevation, and ambient light. This won’t completely change the time of day or welcome in the night, but does let photographers move the sun. Insomniac is also planning on adding a feature that lets players replay missions. That could also help Photo Mode enthusiasts find the desired time of day since, as was previously mentioned, the spot in the story dictates how it looks outside.

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