Alan Wake 2 Car Factory Wheels Stash Lock Code Solution

Alan Wake 2 Car Factory Wheels Stash Lock Code Solution

The Alan Wake 2 car factory wheels stash code lock solution is reminiscent of the other stash in Watery, as both require the player to do math problems in order to get the goods inside. The note inside the Watery stash even references this similarity. Regardless, here is how many cars are in the factory for the Bright Falls stash box in Alan Wake 2.

What is the car factory stash code solution in Alan Wake 2?

To figure out how many cars are in the factory for the stash box in Bright Falls in Alan Wake 2, you are, as previously mentioned, going to have to do some math. As noted by the message on the box, there are 754 total wheels and 200 total vehicles in this hypothetical factory. The cars also have four wheels and the bikes have two wheels. This is just enough information to come to a conclusion.

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It is possible to construct an elaborate math problem to figure out how many cars there are, but it is also possible to do some guessing and come close enough to brute force it in the final inches. For example, simply guessing that there are 100 of each type of vehicle would mean there are 600 total wheels, which is wildly off.

Adding more cars to the guess would be the way to go since they have more wheels. 180 cars and 20 bikes would mean there are 760 total vehicles, which is extremely close to 754 and on the right track.

Since that is only off by six, that means that there must only be three fewer cars in order make up for that difference (since bikes have two fewer wheels). As such, inputting 177 in the lock will open up the case.

The case will have a few supplies like a flare, some bullets, and a propane tank. It will also contain a small note about needing more cult symbols around the woods so that people are scared. It does not, however, reference the other math-related stash.

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