Warzone 3 best RAM-7 loadouts builds

Warzone 3 RAM-7 Loadouts: Best RAM-7 Builds for MW3

With so many attachment options available, it can be tough to figure out the best Warzone 3 RAM-7 loadout. The RAM-7 has quickly become a favorite weapon in MW3, thanks to its high fire rate, manageable recoil, and impressive accuracy.

What’s the best RAM-7 Loadout for Warzone 3?

The best RAM-7 loadout in Warzone 3 depends on the situation. Boasting a high fire rate, robust accuracy, and a compact design, it stands as a powerhouse for both aggressive and tactical players. With the right attachments and playstyle, the assault rifle can be a powerful tool for dominating the competition. We’ll break down two of the best RAM-7 loadouts for Warzone 3, each tailored to a different playstyle.

Unlocking the RAM-7

Before diving into builds, remember the RAM-7 is a Season 1 Battle Pass reward. To unlock it, progress through Sector A7 in the Battle Pass. The fastest route is: A1 -> A3 -> A6 -> A7.

Aggressive Playstyle

  • Muzzle: Shadowstrike Suppressor (Stay off the radar, surprise enemies)
  • Barrel: XRX Coremark 40 Heavy Barrel (Boost damage, range, and recoil control)
  • Underbarrel: XTEN Phantom-5 Handstop (Faster ADS, better sprint-to-fire)
  • Magazine: 40 Round Mag (Never run out of bullets mid-fight)
  • Rear Grip: Retort 90 Grip Tape (Improved recoil control and gun kick)
  • Perks: Double Time, Ghost, High Alert
  • Tactics: Stim, Flash Grenade
  • Lethal: Semtex
  • Equipment: Stim Pistol or Trophy System

This setup focuses on mobility and firepower, allowing you to close the gap on enemies and mow them down with a high fire rate. The Shadowstrike Suppressor keeps you concealed, while the XRX Coremark 40 Heavy Barrel enhances your punch and recoil control. The XTEN Phantom-5 Handstop and Retort 90 Grip Tape further refine your handling, making you a nimble bullet hose.

Tactical Playstyle

  • Muzzle: Boreal-6C Suppressed Barrel (Increased range, suppressed, slight ADS penalty)
  • Underbarrel: SL Skeletal Vertical Grip (Faster ADS, improved recoil control)
  • Magazine: 40 Round Mag (Sustained firepower)
  • Rear Grip: Retort 90 Grip Tape (Enhanced recoil control)
  • Stock: HVS 3.4 Pad (Improved handling and recoil control)
  • Perks: EOD, Overkill (Secondary Sniper Rifle), Amped
  • Tactics: Heartbeat Sensor, Flash Grenade
  • Lethal: Semtex
  • Equipment: Claymore or Trophy System

This build prioritizes range, accuracy, and survivability. The Boreal-6C Suppressed Barrel extends your effective range while keeping you hidden. The SL Skeletal Vertical Grip and Retort 90 Grip Tape further tighten your aiming, making you a laser beam at mid-to-long range. The HVS 3.4 Pad adds a final touch of stability. Overkill allows you to switch to a Sniper Rifle for distant targets, while Amped speeds up your weapon switch times.

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