Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Saeko Date Choices

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Date Choices: Do They Affect the Date with Saeko?

Early on in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, you’ll need to make a series of date choices to prepare Kasuga to go on a date with Saeko. Both Nanba and Adachi will give their take on how to approach a situation, and you’ll need to decide which one to go with. This includes how to wait for your date, where to go for the date, what to wear, how to respond to Saeko, what you should talk about, what to do when Saeko is embarrassed, and how to act as her boyfriend.

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What choices should I make for the date with Saeko in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

You’re likely wondering if your choices for the date with Saeko in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth matter. Well, the conclusion is the same no matter what, but the date itself will play out a bit differently depending on whether you side with Nanba or Adachi. However, the biggest difference between the choices is what type of personality boost you get.

How to wait for your date

For this choice, Nanba thinks you should play it cool and find a bench to rest on while waiting for Saeko. Conversely, Adachi suggests you get to the meeting spot early and stand at attention.

  • Sit and Act Natural: Style +30
  • Stand and Pose: Passion +30

What should you eat?

Adachi will suggest going for the spiciest curry possible to impress Saeko. However, Nanba thinks going for your usual favorite is just fine.

  • Go for the usual beef bowl: Confidence +30
  • Be brave and eat spice level 100 curry: Passion +30

What to wear for your date

The choice of what to wear for your date is the only one that affects your date. Kasuga will be sporting whatever outfit you pick. However, Saeko will act the same either way.

Adachi once again suggests you dazzle Saeko with a fancy suit, and Nanba thinks you should keep it simple with a clean, organic ensemble.

  • Go for the organic look: Intellect +30
  • Go for some razzle dazzle: Style +30

Does Saeko really want to go to a hotel?

During the date, Kasuga and Saeko are unable to find a table at any restaurant. When you decide where to go next, Saeko seemingly suggests you head to a love hotel. Of course, Kasuga struggles to react.

  • Be like Nanba and tell her how you feel: Charisma +30
  • Be like Adachi and play it cool: Passion +30

Who should you talk about?

When hanging out with Saeko, you’ll be faced with a choice of who to talk about.

  • Talk about Nanba: Charisma +30
  • Talk about Adachi: Kindness +30

What should you do when Saeko is embarrassed at the restaurant?

Kasuga and Saeko head to a fancy restaurant but have difficulty reading the menu due to the advanced Kanji it uses. Saeko is embarrassed when she misinterprets a word, and Kasuga must decide how to react.

  • Be like Nanba and just move on: Charisma +30
  • Be like Adachi and cover for her: Confidence +30

How do you act when you’re pretending to be Saeko’s boyfriend?

Kasuga and Saeko bump into a client of hers that has turned stalker. She’s attempted to keep him at bay by saying she has a boyfriend, but he refuses to believe her. Kasuga comes to the rescue by pretending to be her boyfriend and must decide how to act.

  • A guy like Nanba: real down-to-earth: Kindness +30
  • A guy like Adachi: cool and stylish: Intellect +30

Can I change the outcome of the date with Saeko in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

Like a Dragon Infinite Weath Date Choices Ending

No matter which choices you make, the date will end the same. Your decisions are only there to influence which personality boosts you get. If you’re looking to get the most benefit from it, make your choices based on which stat you want to boost. Otherwise, just go with your gut and have fun.

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