skull and bones notifications

Skull and Bones Notifications: Can You Dismiss or Mute the Pop-ups?

Skull and Bones notifications and pop-ups are a common complaint among players. Many are desperate to dismiss or mute the pop-ups, but can’t seem to find a way to disable them. Here’s what you need to know about making the pop-ups less annoying.

Can you dismiss or mute Skull and Bones’ pop-up notifications?

Currently, the only way to dismiss or mute the Skull and Bones notifications is by muting the chat channel until it is actually in use.

For players on PC, disabling the Ubisoft Connect Overlay can permanently stop some annoying notifications. To disable Ubisoft Connect Overlay on PC, players should follow these simple steps:

  1. On Ubisoft Connect PC, open the side menu by selecting the three-lined icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the General section, untick the box next to “Enable in-game overlay for supported games.”

However, there is no way of stopping the numerous in-game pop-ups plaguing the game. The in-game major events pop-ups are big enough to cover useful information behind them and distract players during naval combat or inventory management.

Why are there so many pop-ups in Skull and Bones?

Skull and Bones uses pop-ups to alert players to events happening in the world. The developers seem to think this is the best way to keep players in the loop so that events aren’t missed.

Fans have urged Ubisoft to make these pop-ups smaller or apply a “Do not disturb” feature to the game. These changes could greatly improve playability and stop random notifications while fans are trying to enjoy the game.

Additionally, players have been complaining about matchmaking problems, frequent crashes, and other game-breaking elements. Here’s hoping Ubisoft can solve these issues sooner rather than later.

Looking for more gaming content? Here’s how to quickly earn pieces of eights in Skull and Bones and how the Helldivers 2 development studio hires more people to produce post-launch content.

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