Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth World Map Size

FF7 Rebirth Map Size: How Big is the Map?

Many fans wonder how big the map is in FF7 Rebirth. After leaving Midgar, the party is destined to travel around the planet, but how much of it will we see this time around? We’ll discuss the map size in FF7 Rebirth below.

How big is the world map in FF7 Rebirth?

The map size in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth encompasses Regions and an Ocean:

  • Grasslands Region: Contains Kalm and Chocobo Ranch.
  • Junon Region: Contains Upper and Lower Junon and the countryside around the city.
  • Costa Del Sol Region: This region contains Costa Del Sol and the land extending south toward Corel.
  • Corel Region: Contains North Corel, Gold Saucer, and the desert stretching sound toward Gongaga.
  • Gongaga Region: This region contains Gongaga Village and the ruined reactor as well as the jungle surrounding them.
  • Cosmo Canyon Region: Contains Cosmo Canyon, many Cetra ruins, and the surrounding desert.
  • Nibel Region: Contains Nibelheim, the Nibel Mountain Range, Nibelheim Reactor, and the surrounding coastland.
  • Meridian Ocean: The body of water between the west and east continents.
  • Northwood: The land surrounding the Forgotten Capital

So, although the game is open-world, there are some restrictions on where you can go. Some obvious locations are missing from the above list. So, you don’t have access to the full world map in Rebirth. For example, Wutai, Rocket Town, Mideel, and Midgar are all inaccessible.

Presumably, we’ll get a chance to visit all of the world map in the third game in the FF7 Remake trilogy. Once the party acquires the Highwind, nothing will be blocking them from traveling everywhere.

So, In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players explore a large map with diverse regions, yet it excludes some iconic locations. Full global access, including Wutai, Rocket Town, Mideel, and Midgar, is anticipated for the trilogy’s last game, unlocking with the Highwind acquisition.

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