Peter Molyneux’s Godus Likely Won’t Keep Its Promises

Like a reoccurring tornado, Peter Molyneux has a terrible habit of overselling his games and his Kickstarter project Godus is no different. Despite raising approximately $800,000 in support of its development and creating an Early Access version of the game on Steam, Peter Molyneux has reportedly moved on to another project called "The Trail," leaving the bulk of the remaining work to 22Cans. (The original report by Rock, Paper, Shaotgun is not loading at the time of this writing.)

Designer Konrad "FuriousMoo" Naszynski candidly stated his concerns in a forum post on the official site, first worrying that "the new Godus team has only been in play for a short period of time" and not knowing "what to actually do with Godus as a whole." In fact, if "you all want to know what this game is actually supposed to be, well so [do] I."

"To be brutally candid and realistic, I simply can't see us delivering all the features promised on the Kickstarter page, "he writes. "[A] lot of the multiplayer stuff is looking seriously shaky right now especially the persistent stuff like hubworld. Godus is rather confused right now, it plays like an ongoing persistent game without [a] real end point…"

The emphasis now is transforming Godus "into a good complete experience" rather than attempting to figure out how to "deliver on the Kickstarter pitch goals." Moreover, the focus has turned to the mobile version of the game for the sake of revenue and any possible improvements to the PC version will be shot down if doesn't also improve the mobile version as well.

Any hope that the gamersphere had with Peter Molyneux delivering on his lofty promises and on his history with Black & WhitePopulous, and Fable (some would even argue that last one) has been pulverized into dust. Even if his Achilles Heel is that he drives the hype train too far down the track and even if he has PR managers who can't control what he says, backers of Godus cannot help but feel the brunt of what ultimately feels like a bait-and-switch con.

His reputation is all but shot at this point, and anyone who chooses to invest in a project with his name on it should be prepared for the worst well in advance.

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