PlayStation VR Will Benefit From Having Greatest Games, Says GameStop CEO

Of the three virtual reality headsets releasing this year, right now PlayStation VR has the most intrigue behind it. Consumers are wondering how it'll be priced compared to its premium competition, how its technology will stack up, and what its game-centric nature will mean for gaming experiences. In terms of the latter, game support has been strong, and because of that some analysts are predicting that it'll have the greatest success in 2016.

GameStop CEO Paul Raines is one of several people who believe that Sony has the upper hand with PS VR due to its games line-up. He shared during today's ICR Conference:


The more important thing will be the title count at launch. I think that's going to be big. And from what we can see at this point, Sony seems to have the strongest title count.

While the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have had developers busy adding support to already existing games, and making tech demos, Sony has been able to woo ambitious developers looking to create VR experiences or integrate its potential into their upcoming release. The result is confirmation of over 100 supported titles, which range from smaller more bite-sized games like RIGS, Hyper Void, and Summer Lesson, to larger titles like Ace Combat 7, Gran Turismo Sport, and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

It's an advantage that, together with what is presumed to be a lower cost of entry, could mean big things for Sony in the VR race.

On the flip side, the PS VR is the lowest performing headset of the three. Not only is image quality noticeably lowered, but it's bottlenecked by the PS4's hardware. It also lacks the full 3D motion capabilities of the HTC Vive, which may be alluring to some consumers. In other words, there is no victor in this race… yet.

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