Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio, and Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Are Free On Steam

A SEGA bundle titled 'Make War Not Love 3' has debuted on Steam. This bundle is available for free and includes the following games:

The first two games in particular are considered memorable classics, and are worth revisiting despite their age.

To add these games to your Steam library, simply visit one of the links provided above while logged into a Steam account and click "Install Game", which will add all three to your library. This promotion will be available for a short time only, so be sure to add the games to your library sooner rather than later.

Make War Not Love is a campaign held by SEGA in association with Creative Assembly and Relic Entertainment to reward gamers for social media activity. Previously, Streets of Rage 2, Binary Domain, and Condemned: Criminal Origins were made free. Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2, Total War Atitila, and Company of Heroes 2 are up for grabs for gamers who post promotional content on social media.

 You can read more on the official site.

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