Rumor: StarCraft Brood War HD To Be Announced At BlizzCon 2016

South Korean website Naver has uncovered word of a nostalgic remaster that Blizzard is working on. The game is StarCraft: Brood War HD, and the plan is to announce it at this year's BlizzCon.

StarCraft: Brood War HD will supposedly include the campaigns of both the original StarCraft from 1998 and the legendary expansion Brood War, as well as multiplayer functionality, all with touch-ups made to the visual and audio presentation.

It is entirely possible that the remaster will run within the StarCraft 2 engine, although unlikely.

This leak comes just two weeks after one person noticed a new 1.17 patch for StarCraft: Brood War, resulting in widespread speculation.

The StarCraft franchise has been relatively quiet the past two years as a large portion of its player base has moved onto MOBA games like League of Legends. But it is still a very valuable IP with a ton of history dating back to the late 90's where it was one of the first games to harness the potential of online gaming.

BlizzCon 2016 will be host from November 4th to the 5th.

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