Dishonored 2 Tops Steam’s Weekly Top Seller List

Ever since the release of Civilization VI, the latest entry in the acclaimed 4X series has been dominating Steam's weekly Top Sellers list. While a case for domination can still be made, we finally have a new name at the top of the totem pole: Dishonored 2.

Bethesda's much-anticipated follow-up to the well-received stealth-action game didn't even crack the top 10 as early as three weeks ago, but has been climbing the charts ever since, slowly gaining momentum until finally overtaking it just recently.

This flies in the face of concerns raised about the game's quality, following Bethesda's controversial decision to alter their review copy policy and only provide review copies of Dishonored 2 and other titles one day in advance of release. While this may still be an indicator of poor quality, as it has been with other titles, that apparently hasn't been enough to curb the pre-orders by PC gamers.

It's also important to note that PC gamers are the audience perhaps most keen on predatory game practices – so the fact that they're not letting this controversy deter them from pre-ordering shows a lot of faith in Bethesda and Arkane Studios.

And why shouldn't they have faith? While Bethesda has not been without its losers, Arkane Studios has showed a lot of promise, and all the pre-launch gameplay for Dishonored 2 has raised no red flags.

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