Overwatch PTR Ends, Patch 1.5 To Come Out Tomorrow? [Update]

[Update]: Patch v1.5 is now live!

[Original]: The Overwatch PTR patch, that will bring several changes to the game – not the least of which is the addition of the stealth-hacker hero Sombra – may come tomorrow, as the testing period is officially over.

Per Overwatch's Twitter account, the testing period for the upcoming patch has concluded. As many fans will remember, this is par for the course for Blizzard, and usually indicated an imminent release of the full patch – much like when Ana was released.

The timing would also make sense given the upcoming Free Weekend between Nov. 18 and Nov. 21 – one would hope Blizzard wouldn't want to hook people in with a game that is about drastically change.

Patch 1.5 will add Sombra, an all-new Arcade section with five new game types with bonus loot boxes, enforce a one-like-hero-per-team limitation for Quick Play and supposedly update the reporting system.

We will have updates as the story develops.

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