New Horizon Zero Dawn Videos Flaunt Massive Stormbird and Behemoth Machines

We're now mere weeks away from Horizon Zero Dawn's release on PlayStation 4, and it's a fact Sony is as well aware of as anybody. As such, two new videos have been made available on the PlayStation YouTube channel showcasing the game, each featuring one of Zero Dawn's monstrous machines.

The two videos focus on the Stormbird and Behemoth respectively, reviewing the strengths, weaknesses, and general defining attributes of each. You can view the videos below, along with the Stormbird and Behemoth official descriptions.

Soaring through the sky at high altitude, the fearsome Stormbird is a combat-class machine that can swoop down and attack its prey with tremendous force. It is just as dangerous on land as it is in the air, with a variety of swift and powerful attacks that range from wing blasts to claw slashes. Its enormous metal wings are capable of collecting and discharging the electricity in the air.

The Behemoth is a huge, rugged transport-class machine that uses anti-gravity technology to transfer precious cargo from smaller acquisition-class machines into its stomach container. When provoked, it may charge at the enemy or use its anti-gravity unit to hurl heavy objects. It is also equipped with a set of grinding drills that allow it to grind and propel rock projectiles.


These aren't the first machine spotlight videos Sony has released for Horizon Zero Dawn either – you can find the others from the uploads page of their YouTube channel.

Guerilla Games' Horizon Zero Dawn is set to release in the US on February 28th, and on March 1st in Europe. It's a far cry from Killzone, but based on recent information alone, I remain highly optimistic.

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