The first of three upcoming story DLCs for Nioh was revealed last week. It's being called Dragon of the North, and while there have already been substantial updates for Team Ninja's PS4 exclusive, this is without a doubt its biggest yet.
Dragon of the North features Lord Masamune Date, the Sendai feudal ruler from the Keicho Era, as its primary antagonist. Players will head to the Oshu region to face the threat that he presents, this time with access to two new Guardian Spirits, Nekomata and Seiryu. Players will also be able to use a new weapon called the Odachi, as well as new skills and armors.
Only the Japanese version of the trailer is currently available, though its inclusion of gameplay footage makes nearly half of the video language neutral. It can be seen above.
In addition to its single-player additions, Dragon of the North will introduce the game's first PvP game mode, a feature that has been at the top of wish lists since Nioh's launch in February.
We awarded Nioh a 4.5/5 in our original review, which you can read here.