Batman Arkham City DLC Priced and Dated

Can you believe that Batman: Arkham City is releasing next week? The shoe-in GOTY nominee is going to keep us busy for a long time — and will do so even after the main story mode is complete thanks to some upcoming DLC skins and challenge maps.

Batman: Arkham City 'Robin Bundle' DLC is scheduled for a November 22nd release date and priced at $6.99. You can get this for free as long as you pre-order your copy of Arkham City at Best Buy.

Another DLC, entitled 'Skins Pack' is due two weeks later on December 6th for $4.99. Although there's no details as to what skins are included at this time, our guess is that it will include GameStop's Joker skin and possibly more.

Anyone buying the game new will get free DLC, which is essentially Arkham City's "Online Pass". But since there isn't online multiplayer  for B:AC, the Catwoman Challenge Maps DLC will be free in new copies of the game.


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