Calibur11 Keeps Your Console Cool with Battlefield 3 Vault

If you feel the need to over compensate for something… like a low kill/death ratio or noob-esque multiplayer level, you might want to take a look at Calibur11's console Vault. Battlefield 3 players looking to show off their respective home consoles can do so in rugged style with Claymores and smoke grenade along for the ride.

Announced for Xbox 360 and PS3 (sorry PC elitist snobs!), the Calibur11 Battlefield 3 Vault comes with an LED-lit claymore, smoke grenade, and controller cradle.

Not satisfied by sheer badassery? Calibur11 also says the console vault with improve your machine's cooling abilities thanks to its performance grid. The Vault itself will run you $90 but PS3 gamers can head over to GameStop to pick it up as part of a $100 bundle complete with a PS3 copy of Battlefield 3 and a download code for the Physical Warfare DLC.

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