Super Mario Bros. Coming to 3DS eShop…in Japan

Are you not a Nintendo 3DS Ambassador? Are you seething with jealousy that all of us suckers got 20 games that aren't out in the eShop for purchase? Well, continue to seethe in your corner, as Japan's eShop is getting yet another one of these Ambassador games; this time it's Super Mario Bros.

The plumber will make his way to the eShop on January 5th for 500¥ (roughly $6.44). 

Please note that this is not the same game the Ambassadors received. This is an updated version that includes a multiplayer mode, save state, sleep support, and digital instruction manuals.

There is no word yet when or even if this version of SMB will release stateside, but if it does, I really hope that Ambassadors can simply upgrade their current versions. We already had to pay more for the device than others, so why should we suffer with these now uncool versions? (Insert Twitter hashtag for firstworldproblems here.)


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