AMY Developer Responds to Poor Reviews

AMY is one of those games that everyone was excited about because it was so different and then fell absolutely flat among reviewers. The buzz on Twitter has been that it's awful, and I haven't heard a single piece of encouragement from anyone to even try the game. The game releases today on XBLA and PSN, and in an effort to undoubtedly churn up sales, the developers of AMY, Vector Cell, posted a response on Facebook to the bad reviews.

Basically, they're saying that the game itself isn't bad, just very, very hard. 

As many of you have already heard, AMY is a HARD game. Some people totally disliked that while other really enjoyed it. We believe this is part of the survival experience we tried to build as we wanted the game to be challenging.

However, we actively listen to the community and comments and hence recommend the non-hard core gamers to launch the game in EASY mode (in the settings) for now.

Hear that reviewers? It's just hard, which means that there is no way that it could be bad. And to add insult to injury, the devs made it very clear whose opinions matter the most to them:

For us, the players’ ratings (almost 9500 so far) are the most important ones.

So, as fellow players, are you interested in AMY? Or are you of the opinion that where there's smoke (lots of bad reviews), there's fire (game is probably bad)?

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