Since Resident Evil 5 dropped, there has been a wealth of RE games releasing on nearly every platform on the market, but still no word on a proper sequel with Resident Evil 6. There were some rumors, a fake trailer, and a lot more nonsense, all of which make this viral campaign less believable.
A new viral site has gone live, and along with it a creepy viral video that hints at the game's location as taking place in China. There's also a date plastered all over pictures taken at varying locales: January 19th, 2012.
That's not the date the Mayan calender ends, but rather the date coincides with Capcom's Resident Evil experience "Fright Night" that Nick will be attending tomorrow night.
The event already will prominently feature Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City and Resident Evil: Revelations for the 3DS. Will Resident Evil 6 be there lurking in the shadows?
Wishful thinking.
This very well could be a way to tease these already announced RE titles, but admittedly, it seems like a lot of work for two games nearing their release date. Either way, I'm sure Nick will report back from the event with all of the flesh-eating details.
In the meantime, check out and watch the viral video below.