New DLC Maps Coming To Uncharted 3 Next Tuesday


If there was one multi-player experience that really surprised me last year it would have to be Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. What really got me into it was the vast amount of customization, and the maps weren't bad either. Now, Naughty Dog have announced a new map pack and it looks like enough to bring me back, and you should take a look for yourself.

This next Tuesday Uncharted 3's multi-player will have four new DLC maps added which range in setting and design. The package will consist of the following:

  • Graveyard: Water, ships, and plenty of vertical space.
  • Old Quarter: Stone structures offer plenty of cover.
  • London Streets: A suburban setting.
  • Oasis: Classic Uncharted.

According to Naughty Dog each of these maps include dynamic events that trigger during play such as terrain change, additional threats, and even traps. Traps alone are worth the price of admission for me as nothing beats setting up a rival for embarrassment. It's funny every single time.

Those who paid for the Fortune Hunters' Club ($24.99) will be able to download all four maps at no additional cost. Otherwise, the pack will cost $9.99, and it will be available for everyone after next week's PlayStation Store update.

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