Several PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Characters Leaked In Cast List

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a game all about paying homage to over a decade of charming — but sometimes evil — characters. However, only six characters have been confirmed so far, and you know there's probably another two-dozen more. So who are they?

A quick trip to IMDB reveals a lengthy list of first-party characters that have yet to be announced for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and they range from the young'uns like Victor Sullivan to the classic "oh my god I forgot about that guy" like Gex. See below for the full list of unconfirmed characters that are shown on IMDB:

  • Daxter
  • Cole MacGrath
  • Jak
  • Gex
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Clank
  • Spyro
  • Dr. Neo Cortex
  • Victor Sullivan
  • Murray
  • Bentley
  • Dr. Nefarious
  • Ratchet
  • Captain Qwark
  • Rayman

Now this isn't a confirmation, but it's quite convincing, and if the posted cast is correct then PaRappa won't be the only character to bring back an original voice actor. Better yet, a few of these guys haven't been seen since the 'blocky' PS1 days, so this will be their first trip to high-definition. It's like experiencing vision for the first time!

If you still don't see the character you've been wanting to fight with then don't worry because there are definitely more. Sony has confirmed that there will be many characters, some of which are third-party. You can never count Scorpion out; he doesn't like it when you do that.

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