Low 3DS Sales Drops Nintendo’s Stock

According to investment service company Fisco, Nintendo's stock has dropped four straight days. Investment bank Barclays Capital holds the Japan earthquake and the delay of 3DS launch titles accountable, leading to the first time that the PSP has sold more than any Nintendo hardware device during any week.

Though Nintendo did not reach its goal of shipping 1.5 million 3DSs, only reaching about half that with 836,000 units, I'm not terribly concerned. The 3DS is taking a slow-burn approach and it will take time before its library of titles reaches a point where the majority of consumers feel that the handheld is worth their money. Nintendo has yet to come close to producing first-party titles – the heavy-hitters – for the 3DS: Mario, Zelda, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, the list goes on and on.

But if Nintendo can't get its groove together by the time Sony's NGP hits, the trouble may only be beginning. Still, it has plenty of time to pull ahead.

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