SSFIV Arcade Edition Arrives Via DLC and Retail

On April Fool's Day we joked that Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition would land in retail stores for the MSRP of $59.99. Heh! Those arcade exclusive characters will never make it to consoles! PC?! What a joke! BWAHAHAHA.

Oops, this just in: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition will be releasing through DLC channels and retail editions this summer.

The Arcade Edition comes with Evil Ryu, Oni, Yun and Yang, as well as the Elite Channel for spectator mode, and displayed battle rank and points during fights. $15 will bring your copy of Super Street Fighter IV up to snuff while those of you who didn't drop the cash on the upgrade last year can buy a copy of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition at your local retailer.

There's no word on pricing for the retail edition of the game but all of this content is confirmed for release across the Xbox 360, PS3, and Windows PC platforms. The DLC will be available June 7th and the retail release will be available June 24th. PC fighters have to wait until July. Check out the video after the screenshots to see Evil Ryu and Oni in action:

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