PlayStation 3 Getting 4.20 Update Tomorrow [Update]

[Update] PlayStation Blog has made it official.

[Original Story] According to a post on NeoGAF, a PlayStation 3 firmware update is incoming on June 26th. Going by the past 50 or so firmware updates, this will A) do very little to upgrade the PS3, and B) release around midnight EST (tonight).

How this sneaky bloke knows what Sony has planned is anyone's guess, but mysteriously, the changelog looks strikingly similar to what Sony puts out themselves shortly before the firmware is set to go live.

The changelog proves theory A:

PS3 System Software version 4.20 will be released on June 26 2012. This update will introduce a number of new features including:

When the wireless stereo headset (CECHYA-0080) is connected, you can now adjust the sidetone level for microphone audio. Select [Sidetone] under (Settings) > (Accessory Settings) > [Audio Device Settings].

–o Off: Disable microphone audio from the headset

–o 1-5: Enable microphone audio from the headset

– You can now set the amount of time until the system automatically turns off. Under (Settings) > (Power Save Settings) > [System Auto-Off] you will be able amend the time for [Video/TV/Music/Photo] and for [Game/Other Features]:

Video/TV/Music/Photo – After 1 Hour, After 2 Hours, After 3 Hours, After 4 Hours, After 5 Hours, Off

Game/Other Features – After 1 Hour, After 2 Hours, After 3 Hours, After 4 Hours, After 5 Hours, Off

–o If you enabled [System Auto-Off] in system software prior to version 4.20, the selected time will be set for both [Video/TV/Music/Photo] and [Game/Other Features].

–o The default settings are [After 4 Hours] for [Video/TV/Music/Photo] and [After 1 Hour] for [Game/Other Features].

– Under (Games) > (Saved Data Utility (PS3™), you can now select multiple saved data items, and then either delete or copy them as a group.

–o You cannot use [Copy Multiple] to select data that is copy-protected.

–o Some saved data cannot be copied.

–o The upper right corner of the screen displays:

===== the number of saved data items that are selected

===== the total number of saved data items

===== the total file size of the saved data items that are selected

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