THQ Will Have Booth At San Diego Comic-Con 2012

After not having a booth at E3 2012, though still showing several games privately at the event, THQ has seen to continue their presence at San-Diego Comic-Con 2012. This time around, they will be wedged between Ubisoft and Electronic Arts in the back left corner of the show floor.

THQ will likely be showing off their upcoming Darksiders II, given that THQ will be hosting a panel called "The Art of Death and Darksiders II" on Friday at 3:30-4:30pm featuring Joe Madureira (an artist for Avenging Spider-Man, Ultimates, and X-Men) as well as Han Randhawa, creative director for both Darksiders titles. And well, Death is one handsome looking fella. Perfect for a comic, really.

THQ also has WWE '13, Company of Heroes 2, and Metro: Last Light up its sleeves, though those titles probably won't show since this is a comic book convention. Perhaps, a teaser trailer for South Park: The Stick of Truth?

Darksiders II releases on August 14, 2012 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

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