Electronic Arts has officially announced its support against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marraige as only the legal union between one man and one woman. It has joined other US businesses in an amicus brief which asks the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to strike it down as unconstitutional.
On the business level, DOMA only serves to make things difficult:
DOMA presents a number of problems for businesses like EA, as it creates regulatory, tax, and discrimination complications for employers, and that’s why we’re standing against it. The underlying lawsuit impacts all employers no matter how big or small, and no matter the industry, and we encourage other business to join these efforts.
As the publisher for Mass Effect 3, anything less would be hypocritical… and would support the Reapers. Nonetheless, this is great PR for Electronic Arts, and I support the company for defending LGBT rights. In the long run, they are on the right side.