Is God of War 4 Coming in 2012?

September, 2012: That's when you'll be able to get your hands on God of War 4. It was predicted by Nostradamus and it's referenced several times in the Bible. It's just god-given fact. It's knowledge handed down to us by the angels themselves via their living incarnations over at PSM3.

About a month ago, a vid appeared online that was done by an animator that had a reference to a "God of War 4 cinematic test". The vid has been taken down and the animator swears it has nothing to with the series. But PSM3 saw through all that devil trickery and used their holy powers to find the truth. Okay, so it's more like they have close sources who work on the series, but they're claiming they have this bloody, angry, baby's due date:

"PSM3 has heard from another source that God of War 4 is coming, and will hit in September 2012… Our source works closely with the God of War universe, and let slip he'd be working on a related project at the same time."

We all knew this story wasn't going to end with the last installment of the trilogy, and Kratos did rear his ugly mug in Mortal Kombat just the other day, so I wouldn't be surprised if a fourth game really was just around the corner. But release dates are hard to peg down and always change, especially with big name titles like this one. If there is going to be a new God of War game next year, we'll probably hear something about it at this years E3.


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