Molyneux Will Follow-up Curiosity: What’s In The Cube With ‘Cooperation’

Curiosity: What's in the Cube isn't out yet, but Peter Molyneux is ready and eager to discuss his upcoming title. In a recent interview with Polygon, he said that the game will be called Cooperation and that it will be "the biggest cooperative effort the world has ever known."

Does he mean in gaming or ever before? Either is a pretty bold claim, but we're used to that from Mr. Molyneux at this point. Then again, we may want to take it with a grain of salt as his full quote was the following: "If you think of [Curiosity] being the biggest mystery posted to the digital world, Cooperation is the biggest cooperative effort the world has ever known." So what if we don't think Curiosity is the biggest mystery posted to the digital world? What then?

He didn't offer much insight as to what the game would entail, but he said it would be competitive and said that they used Tug of War as inspiration.

At the same time, Molyneux said that it might not even be a game: "Cooperation is very, very different; maybe it's not a game, or maybe you'd call it a social game."

Will Cooperation include a $50,000 option to be more cooperative than your teammates? That's what I really want to know.

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