Every Pokemon Ever in One Giant Picture

When I was a kid, there were all sorts of cool toys that I would force my mom to buy me. Everything from Transformers to Ninja Turtles to even POGs briefly. But fortunately for her pocket book, by the time Pokemon reared its ugly head with the unforgettable "Gotta Catch 'em All!!" slogan, I was well beyond such fads.

Somehow, though, these weird, cute little creatures persist to this day and there are now 646 of the bastards for you, or more likely your parents wallet, to catch. Jesus tap-dancing Christ on a pogo stick, that's a lot of Pokemans!

Japanese artist, Jippe has captured all 646 in an artist's rendering for all the world to see and be awed by the powerful marketing force of Nintendo's product. I can't imagine ever needing to own 646 of anything, except for maybe grains of rice or something similar. You can check out the artists page in the link below for more Pokemon fan art as well the ginormous picture of every pocket monster ever in all its glory.

[Click to emlarge Pokemans]

[Artist Page]

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