metroid prime 4 developer

Metroid Prime 4 Could Revive the Spirit of Star Wars 1313

Metroid Prime 4 will be developed by Bandai Namco, according to a new report from Eurogamer. This will be of particular interest to Star Wars fans, as the team allegedly responsible for the game are the same developers who were behind the canceled Star Wars 1313. 

Eurogamer cites its sources as having confirmed that Bandai Namco is behind the development of Metroid Prime 4, following a string of rumors earlier this week. However, the outlet elaborates on the specifics of the team behind the game, with Bandai Namco Studios Singapore allegedly working on the sequel. This studio contains developers who had previously worked on Star Wars 1313, a highly anticipated single-player action-adventure game that was canned by EA in 2014.

While next to nothing is known about Metroid Prime 4 right now aside from it being in production, if Bandai Namco Studios Singapore is behind the game, it could well borrow some ideas that its developers were looking to bring to Star Wars 1313. With both games set in a sci-fi universe, it’s not difficult to imagine that some of the plans that were axed with Star Wars 1313 could be brought to life in Metroid Prime 4.

Star Wars 1313 was set to follow Boba Fett as the bounty hunter navigated his early adulthood. Metroid protagonist Samus Aran is also a bounty hunter, though this facet of her character hasn’t really been explored in the series, with her being viewed more as a mercenary for the Galactic Federation.

Retro Studios, who were responsible for creating the first three Metroid Prime games, previously envisioned bringing bounty hunter missions to the series. However, Nintendo of Japan ordered those ideas to be scrapped. Could Metroid Prime 4 be the game in which Samus Aran’s bounty hunting becomes the focal point?

There’s no confirmed release date for Metroid Prime 4 yet, and we still have no screenshots of the game outside of the logo that was revealed at E3 2017.

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