Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode

Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode Allows Players to Create Maps From PUBG and Call of Duty

Far Cry 5 Arcade Mode allows players a freedom that is somewhat familiar to that of Minecraft. In this mode, players can create their own unique maps and challenges to share with others. Frankly, it is one of the most interesting things about Ubisoft’s newest game, particularly as it often rewards players with in-game currency and perks once you’ve played through the maps made by the community. Players will also have direct access to a variety of assets from Ubisoft’s games, such as Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed: Black Flag, Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 4 and a number of other Ubisoft games.

Far Cry 5 hasn’t even been out for a week and already a number of players are using these assets to create the worlds they love and know. Below you’ll see a number of these maps, including maps from critically-acclaimed games such as Call of Duty and Counter-Strike. In the Counter-Strike map below you’ll see the de_dust2 map, bringing back all those fantastic memories of strategy and gunfire.

And of course, not wanting to be outdone (or maybe just unable to pull themselves away from PUBG even in Far Cry 5) someone decided that the game needed a PlayersUnknown Battleground face-lift. There’s also the inclusion of a Battle Royale mode because why wouldn’t there be a Battle Royale mode?

Far Cry 5’s version of the Call of Duty: Black Ops ‘Nuketown’ map also made an appearance in Arcade Mode. Nuketown had a heavy emphasis on extremely close-quarters combat, so it’s safe to say that this map made in the Far Cry 5 arcade mode has certainly done it justice.

And if you’re still not sure you want to play these maps that seem very FPS heavy, instead wanting to explore and admire the visuals and hard-work of the members of the community, then you’re in luck! Below you’ll be able to see the loving detail that was used to create the Baker house from Resident Evil 7 Biohazard.

All these maps are extremely impressive and show the dedication of Far Cry 5’s fans and their creativity when given the assets they need. Considering the game hasn’t been out very long, we can’t help but wonder what fans will create in Far Cry 5 arcade mode next.

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