No Delay For Need For Speed: Most Wanted Vita Confirmed By EA

Three days ago EA's Polish website noted that the PlayStation Vita version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted had been delayed into the new year. However, EA has come to save the Vita's holiday season by confirming that all platforms will receive the title on November 2nd.

The Vita might have a few dry months ahead, but thankfully it still has Need for Speed: Most Wanted to show for it. Not only will it launch on Sony's new handheld platform at the same time as the PlayStation 3 and others, but everything we've seen so far makes it appear as fluid and functional as its console rivals. Games like this are what made the Vita sound delicious before it came out; experiences that previously only consoles could produce but playable on-the-go at a fraction of the price.

If you're excited to NOS your way through traffic while being chased by police, be sure to read our preview.

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