Total War Three Kingdoms Image Sega Gamescom 2018

Total War Dev Reveals What’s in Development for Each Game in the Franchise

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Several Total War games have been released in the past few years alone, each with its own unique premise and concept. Different teams worked on each game, delivering their own take on the iconic RTS gameplay of the Total War franchise. The most recent game to be released was Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia while Total War: Three Kingdoms remains in development.

Total War Dev Plans: Total War Saga Thrones of Britannia

In a recent blog post, Creative Assembly has revealed what each of the different development teams are currently working on as of June 2018. First up is the Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia team, which recently released its first major patch last month. Players will be glad to know that similar to past Total War titles, a Blood Pack is being developed for Thrones of Britannia. It is slated for release in July and owners of the Blood & Burning DLC for Total War Attila will be receiving it for free.

Total War Dev Plans: Total War Three Kingdoms

The developer also revealed earlier this year that the next mainline historical Total War title will be Total War: Three Kingdoms. This will be the first Total War game to feature the Three Kingdoms period of Ancient China, as well as never-before-seen Chinese form of warfare. Creative Assembly is also teasing more details for the game in next week’s E3 2018.

Total War Dev Plans: Total War Arena, Warhammer 2 and Rome 2

Meanwhile, the Total War Arena team is working on adding Ranked mode, a new Barbarian commander and another faction to the game. Players will be able to participate in a public test server of Ranked Mode in the near future. The Total War Warhammer 2 team is developing the next campaign pack while Total War Rome II will be receiving another free major content update in the future.

Total War Dev Plans: The Next Total War Fantasy Title

That’s not all, Total War fans, as Creative Assembly has also revealed that its Fantasy Team has started pre-production for its next game. It will probably be Total War Warhammer 3 but the team promises more details and information in the future when “it’s safe to approach them.”

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