Pokemon GO, Choices

Pokemon GO Leads to Son and Father Fighting Stranger Over Gym Being ‘Stolen’

Pokemon GO’s initial debut on the 6th July, 2016 was possibly the happiest time people have been. We remember it well. People got out of the house more, were more friendly than they usually were and often you’d find yourself teaming up with complete strangers in parks just to find that one Pikachu that had been hiding in plain sight. It was a fun, happy time and we’re certain we speak for a fair few people when we say we wish we could go back to that kind of bliss.

Of course, there was some silliness with Pokemon GO. Such as people jumping in front of cars, not looking where they were going and all other sorts of decisions that would make anyone question what was going on in that person’s mind at the time. However this story, via the newspaper St. Louis Post-Dispatch, takes being passionate about Pokemon to a whole other level.

According to the newspaper, a 71-year-old man and his adult son were arrested for allegedly assaulting another player. The reason? The two claimed that the other player had stolen their Gym, and had then gone out of their way to throw a Gatorade bottle at their car.

The 71-year-old man, Robert Matteuzzi, tracked down the attacker and then allegedly chucked back the Gatorade bottle, hitting him in the face, which triggered all three men turning on one another. The article, in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper, mentioned that there had been a bystander who had watched the events unfold.

The newspaper reads, “a bystander took a video of the encounter and caught Robert Matteuzzi holding the victim down while his son hit the victim’s head and face several times, [Kirkwood Police Officer Matthew] Waggoner wrote. The victim suffered cuts to his face, a ‘traumatic’ eye injury and a broken fingertip.”

We all love Pokemon, but this is just absurd and so we’re pleased to say that the father and his 31-year-old son, Angelo Matteuzzi, are now facing third-degree assault charges for their crime.

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