Nintendo Debuts First US Wii U Commercial Ahead Of Launch

We're just a little over two weeks away from the Wii U launch, and for the most part, I can't imagine that the average non-gaming consumer knows much, if anything, about the Wii U. You and I may have been following Wii U news for well over a year now, but it takes advertising for the everyday Joe to take notice. Until now, there hasn't been much of that.

This morning, Nintendo released the first commerical to air in the US, aimed at educating potential buyers. It's nowhere as bad as the wreck of a video the UK commerical was, but the horrible videogame-esque dubstep is too distracting to even pay attention to the commercial's content. I think that we do a better job spreading the Wii U word, although Nintendo may feel otherwise.

What I did take away from what I watched is that the Wii U has a tablet controller, will be good for families and casuals, and the fact that Nintendo has found the Wii U's slogan: How U Will Play Next. What did you take away?

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