To celebrate the 90th birthday of Mickey Mouse, the Official Disney Fan Club released a Kingdom Hearts video that contained a montage of clips of King Mickey from the series. It was originally aired as part of the club’s panel at SDCC 2018.
At San Diego Comic Con last week, the Official Disney Fan Club hosted a panel that celebrated the 90th birthday of Mickey Mouse. As part of the panel, they played a Kingdom Hearts video to say “Happy Birthday to King Mickey!” That took iconic clips from the Kingdom Hearts series featuring the round-eared mascot. That video was released on YouTube today, alongside an official statement:
“Originally aired at Celebrating 90 Years of Mickey Mouse with D23: The Official Disney Fan Club panel at San Diego Comic Con 2018, this trailer celebrates King Mickey’s birthday! Check out his iconic scenes from a variety of KINGDOM HEARTS games.”
It’s funny to think that in ten years time, Mickey Mouse will be a century old. In some ways it feels like an absurd amount of time, but the legendary mouse also has a timeless, ageless quality about him. Mickey Mouse, and the Disney brand by extension, are such a cultural phenomenon that it’s difficult to imagine a time without the round ears, the animated features, and the conspiracy theories about ol’ Walt’s head being frozen in preparation for a Futurama-like future.
What also feels like a ridiculous time is the gap between Kingdom Hearts 2 and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3. Ignoring the portable releases and the remastered re-releases, it’ll have been 14 years between the two games, a wait that would doom most projects outside of Twin Peaks: The Return and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But, Kingdom Hearts 3 is scratching up to be a continuation of what fans love about the series, and until its proposed release on January 25 next year, we’ll have this Kingdom Hearts video to watch, at least.