ZombiU Dev Team Reminds Everyone That It’s Survival Horror With In-game Messages

Struggling with ZombiU's grueling difficulty? Maybe it'd help if I reminded you that it's a survival horror game. Oh wait, the developer has already done that.

Upon logging into ZombiU today, I couldn't help but notice that there was a large message written on the floor of the main safe house. Upon reading it I was shocked to find that the development team had written all of us poor survivors—or more specifically, death experts—a message.

Malvingt2 on NeoGaf found another message, but this time the dev team is taunting us:


Well, that might explain why I've died over 10 times already. I always thought that surviving against zombies would be easy until I met ZombiU, a game that paints the scenario realistically instead of making you out to be Rambo or Terminator.

Thanks, Ubisoft Montpellier!

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