Games HD Interest Group

Console Rivals Team Up for Games HD Interest Group

While we may be used to seeing the likes of Activision, Capcom, and Square Enix locked in an unholy battle for AAA supremacy on the Steam store, that’s not all they’re capable of. In fact, console rivals may well become fast friends, or at least that’s the motto of the games HD interest group (HGIG) that all the above-mentioned companies are a part of. That’s right — they’re working together to research HD gaming and its impact on gamers.

It’s not only publishers who are involved with this games HD interest group. We also have the likes of Sony and Microsoft who have thrown their hats into the ring to better understand how HD gaming works and to also ensure that gamers are experiencing HD games to the best of their ability. In fact, Sony and Microsoft are amongst the organizations spearheading this initiative which aims to make HD gaming more immersive.

Some of the issues that this group will look at include the reception of HD games by consumers, especially reactions that are of a negative bent. It looks like HGIG will be approaching discrepancies between different HD setups head-on by knuckling down to even technical hardware issues which may stop gamers from getting a standardized HD experience when they play certain games.

The industry interest group hasn’t released any findings in particular at the moment, but it already looks like they have a clear idea of what they’re wanting to tackle, and that they will be making best practice recommendations from a consumer-focused perspective. has reported that the group conducted a workshop in Canada where it spoke to a wider audience about the current state of HD gaming, complete with live examples. Not much else has been revealed yet by HGIG but their interest in bettering the experiences of gamers when it comes to both HD titles and hardware is heartening. Watch this space!

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