Best 3DS Exclusive 2012

Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy – Best 3DS Exclusive 2012

Platform: 3DS

Publisher: Square Enix

Developer: Indies Zero

25 years ago, when SquareSoft was betting everything they had on one last RPG for the NES, their "final" shot at making it as a software company, did they have Theatrhythm in mind? After Final Fantasies 2-13 proved successful, what was the catalyst for a spin-off focusing on the franchises ever-loved soundtrack?

In the end, who cares? So long as Theatrhythm is in your 3DS waiting to be played, you won't be far from a smile and a few minutes of furious tapping and swiping. Of every game that released on the Nintendo's 3D-enabled handheld, none capture our hearts and minds like Theatrhythm. Thankfully, this celebration of Final Fantasy music oozes style and nostalgic bliss thanks to its faithful deference to series composer Nobuo Uematsu and its acceptable aping of previous dual-screen toe-tapper Elite Beat Agents.

Sure, there are moments where Theatrhythm can make you want to rip the dimples off of miniature Cloud and diminutive Lightning, especially when you're up against long strands of swipes, but when you summon Bahamut or transform into a Chocobo, you'll know true FF joy.

If you need any more convincing that Theatrhythm is great, just take a look at the award it's winning here. How did Square's third-party software outshine the heavy first-party competition this year? You'll have to try the game for yourself. Just don't let that Final Fantasy cynic get in the way of the light, musical melancholy within.

Runners Up:

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