Doom Eternal Release Date QuakeCon 2019

Doom Eternal News – Release Date, Trailer, Gameplay, Everything We Know

At Bethesda’s E3 conference this year, the publisher revealed Doom Eternal, the next game in the legendary Doom series, is on its way from original creators id Software. Since then we’ve also had a big gameplay blowout at QuakeCon last month, so now we know quite a lot about the game. So we thought we’d put everything we know about Doom Eternal in one place! We’ve got the Doom Eternal release date, what multiplayer has been revealed, gameplay, trailer, whether it’s coming to Switch, and more. Read on for all the important info on Doom Eternal!

Doom Eternal Release Date

Sadly the one piece of information that Bethesda has not revealed about Doom Eternal is its release date. The same E3 conference where Bethesda announced the game also included reveals for the publisher’s two big RPGs The Elder Scrolls VI and Starfield, and those games probably aren’t due for several years. However, we certainly don’t think Doom Eternal is as far off as those two titles, as the QuakeCon gameplay footage seemed very advanced.

Most likely Doom Eternal will land in 2019. id Software’s next game, Rage 2, a joint effort with Just Cause 4 developer Avalanche, has a release date set for June 2019. We certainly don’t expect another shooter from Bethesda close to Rage 2‘s release, and then of course we have Wolfenstein: Youngblood to consider. Bethesda confirmed that MachineGames’ next Wolfenstein would launch in 2019, so it’s possible Doom Eternal won’t appear until 2020. It all depends on whether Bethesda wants three FPSs out in 2019 or not.

Is Doom Eternal Coming to Nintendo Switch?

At the moment Doom Eternal has not been confirmed for Nintendo Switch. However, it has also not really been confirmed for PS4 or Xbox One, so for all we know it could skip this console generation. If it does come out on current-gen systems, then it is definitely possible Doom Eternal will come to Switch. Both Doom and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus came out on Nintendo’s latest system, so there is certainly a good chance the next Doom will too.

Doom Eternal Trailer

There are currently two trailers for Doom Eternal. The E3 announcement trailer merely introduced the game, and revealed monsters returning from the original Doom games such as the Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, and Arch-Vile. The gameplay trailer, which you can see below, is the more exciting one. It shows off just how the game will play, as well as the new monsters, weapons, and power-ups in action. Exciting stuff.

Doom Eternal Gameplay

From what we’ve seen so far you can count on the same fast-paced shooter action that Doom 2016 had returning in Doom Eternal. Doomguy doesn’t need reloads, and you’ll be popping demons as long as you have bullets. Even after you run out of ammo, our hellish crusader keeps stomping mudholes as he rips eyes, throats, limbs, and pretty much any organ you can think of out of enemies.

Though the core concepts remain the same, Doom Eternal spices things up with a host of new weapons and new mobility options. Returning weapons get new upgrades, and Doomguy now has a little Predator cannon that pops up from over his shoulder that can be used as a secondary. You’ll also get the ability to climb some surfaces (no ladder required), and you’ll have a grappling hook to swing over large gaps.

Most importantly, Doomguy has a sword now.

Doom Eternal Multiplayer

Doom Eternal Multiplayer

In addition to the return of the multiplayer stylings of Doom 2016, Doom Eternal will feature a new invasion mode. If you’re thinking Dark Souls, you’re pointed in the right direction. Other players will get a chance to jump into your campaign either individually or as a party to try and take you on.

Of course, player controlled demons will be at a disadvantage compared to Doomguy, but in packs, or with stealth and guile, player-controlled enemies will be an exciting new threat. If you’re not into that kind of thing, you can always turn it off too.

Is Doom Eternal the Sequel to Doom?

Doom Eternal is to Doom 2016 as Doom 2 was to Doom, meaning it’s a direct sequel in which demons have begun an invasion of Earth. Since the events of Doom, the Doom Slayer has escaped back into our reality to find that the Earth is covered in demons.

Doom Eternal will take place on Earth, Hell, Phobos, and other locations that have only been hinted at. It’s said that this game will expand the lore of the Doom franchise, which means we may get more story behind the Doom Slayer’s eternal struggle against the forces of Hell.

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