Fortnite 1.93 Update Patch Notes

Fortnite Mobile Now Supports 60 FPS

The latest Fortnite Mobile update has arrived but missing among the other updates was the patch for frame rates. The original patch notes (which have been updated now) include changes to weapons, HUD layouts, and a number of other gameplay changes. It wasn’t until a member of Epic’s PR team tweeted confirmation of the frame rate update that players realized it was there.


Well, it’s sort of there. At the moment, the frame rate updates in V6.31 are available to iOS users. And even then, playing at 60 frames per second is limited to users with selected phones. According to Epic’s PR man, Nick Chester, playing at 60 FPS is limited to users who have either an iPhone XS, iPhone XS-Max or iPhone XR. While it’s an impressive feat, the update is still in its early days and could pose a handful of problems. So, if you’d rather keep playing at 30 frames per second, you can switch between the frame rate limit in the options.

The frame rate update is limited to high-end iPhones because performance for earlier models is “constrained by hardware” according to Chester. As for an Android update to allow for 60 frames per second but there hasn’t been any word from Epic on the matter yet. It does pose an interesting question regarding how much the game speed will affect players on 30 FPS versus players using 60 FPS.

Of course, the frame rate update wasn’t the only change to Fortnite Mobile. Players can now find a Map Marker button on the HUD layout, meaning you can get a bit more organized with your friends rather than shouting “meet me by that tree over there!” And players can now get their hands on the Legendary and Epic Pump Action Shotgun, which boasts an impressive 105/110 damage – if you can manage to hit another player with it. The Fortnite Mobile update is available now for all players, though the frame rate update is only applicable to some iPhone users.

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