Kickstart “Gaming In Color”: New Documentary On LGBT Gamers

Produced and filmed by Anne Clemens, the upcoming documentary "Gaming In Color" plans to shed light on both female and LGBT issues of the gaming industry, which tends to cater its titles toward the 18-34 straight male demographic.

Over numerous console generations, this has created a culture in which video games seem to be exclusively meant for this particular group, though the audience for gaming, the film describes, is far from being only for "white, male, heterosexual, mid-twenties loners." At the same time, gay-bashing is a frequent occurrence in online gaming, which Matthew Michael Brown, Digital Marketing Coordinator for Sony Pictures, recognizes:

Gay gamers are bullied especially in the virtual world because it’s a power dynamic. It’s a society within a society.

Gaming In Color hopes to expand on this growing issue and highlight the people who are working towards changing the video game industry and expanding it to include a broader range of gamers. Gaming in Color has launched a campaign on Kickstarter, to which you pledge a donation here.

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