Square Enix Announces Final Fantasy X And X-2 HD Collection

Listen to my story. This… may be our last chance.

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 will be re-released with remastered graphics for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Both titles will be bundled on a single disc for the PlayStation 3 version, and the International version will be used so the "Expert" option will be available for the Sphere Grid—a first for North America. Sadly however, as previously reported, those who want both titles on the Vita will have to purchase each separately. 

As seen above, the game looks impressive despite its age. Final Fantasy X, as with several games in its series, was a visually remarkable game during its time. Although the graphics will be improved to take advantage of HD resolution, Tidus' voice will remain the same. Prepare to be annoyed… again. To make up for that, Lulu will receive some much-welcomed polygons.

A full trailer will be shown on Monday to give a better idea of what improvements have been made. Stay tuned!

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