Inafune Already In Talks With Sony For A Soul Sacrifice Sequel

PlayStation Vita-exclusive Soul Sacrifice launches at the end of this month, and believe it or not, a sequel may be in the works sooner rather than later.

Speaking with IGN, game creator Keiji Inafune announced that he's currently in talks with Sony to move forward on a sequel to his highly anticipated portable title. “Soul Sacrifice is something I specifically designed for Vita using [the] hardware’s specific features. To drive Vita sales even more, I have an idea for a Soul Sacrifice sequel. I’m actually approaching [Sony Computer Entertainment] regarding this project,” he explained.

I can't imagine Sony turning down his offer, especially in light of the fact that the Vita is really hurting for more quality first-party software. Inafune summed up the likelihood of a sequel by adding, “Let’s say the talks are ongoing and I’d love to make it happen.”

Soul Sacrifice launches on April 30th for the PlayStation Vita. Are you eager to pick this game up next week? Let us know in the comments below.

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