new titanfall game

New Titanfall game delayed due to Apex Legends

The folks at EA and Respawn have officially stated that the new Titanfall game is going to be delayed due to Apex LegendsThe rumored Titanfall 3 was expected to be coming later this year before it was later confirmed by EA that the game was in the works. A new Titanfall game was originally planned to come out later this year, but it now seems that fans of the series might not see Titanfall 3 until 2020.

Respawn producer Drew McCoy said, “In order to fully support Apex Legends, we are pushing out plans for future Titanfall games.” This statement by McCoy is very vague and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. It is unclear if this means that all development on a new Titanfall game has come to a stop or if there is still a small team working on it. Additionally, it doesn’t really address how long this will delay future Titanfall titles.

new titanfall game

It seems that as of right now, Respawn and EA are simply putting all of their focus into Apex Legends and cannot spare any team members for the upcoming Titanfall game. McCoy stated that “no resources from the Apex Legends team are being shifted to other titles in development.” He also noted that no one working on the upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was being pulled off of their assignments. So, Star Wars fans can take a breath.

It was just recently announced that Apex Legends has not been receiving new content recently due to multiple bugs that have been appearing in the game. Respawn wants to focus on fixing the game’s quality of life before they roll out new content so that it is enjoyable for everyone. EA has also promised fans that they will learn more about Apex Legends Season 2 at the upcoming EA Play event this June. So it appears that Respawn and EA are about to go full throttle on Apex Legends.

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