Kill la Kill - If Switch is capped at 30 fpss

Kill la Kill – If Switch is capped at 30 fps

Switch releases of multiplatform games tends to have some drawbacks compared to other versions. Such is the case with the Kill la Kill – If Switch port as it has been capped at 30 frames per second.

Arc System Works recently revealed the version differences for the APlus Games developed arena fighter. The good news is that all three versions will look the same. No graphical differences exist between the PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo Switch versions. The Switch even runs the game at the same 1080p resolution as the other two when docked.

However, running on Nintendo’s admittedly weaker system does come with a frame rate penalty. While both the PlayStation 4 and PC versions will run at 60 fps, the Switch version only runs at half that.

Fighting games usually demand to be played at a stable 60 fps. However, doing so on Switch would probably require adjustments to the game’s graphics. Part of Kill la Kill – If‘s appeal after all are its cel-shaded graphics that mirror those of the original TV anime.

It’s possible that the development team values maintaining the game’s visuals more on a system that isn’t expected to be used in competitive play. Most fighting game tournaments take place on PlayStation 4, after all. That said, one can’t help but wonder if the team could have achieved 60 fps if they didn’t target the 1080p resolution when docked.

In addition to all version of the game looking the same (if not running at the same frame rate), Arc System Works also confirmed that there would be no regional differences. They specifically mention costumes, which indicates that this is to address fears that the series’ rather risque skins may be censored on PlayStation 4 in North America. Sony recently implemented new censorship policies. Thankfully, it seems that Kill la Kill – If hasn’t run butted up against them.

Kill la Kill – If launches on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 on July 26 with the PC version coming earlier on July 25.

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