Call of Duty’s Nuketown Map Recreated For Illinois Paintballers

You and I might have run circles around Call of Duty's ever popular virtual battlefield, but paintball enthusiasts in Illinois can now visit a real-world Nuketown and proceed to shoot each other without fear of repetitive online death! Paintball manufacturer Tippmann built this field at Paintball Explosion in East Dundee, but I think I would have rather seen a life-size recreation of aim_ag_texture_city.

Just the fact that this exists is pretty cool, though. I've messed around with paintball in the past, but it was too expensive for my Togo's sandwich shop salary back in high school. The few times I did play, I had a lot fun, even if I was typically shot first and had to sit out the rest of the match.

This? I'd never get through the mid-section. Also, why aren't people jumping out of the windows in each house? People do it all the time in-game.


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